Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Winning the 2014 Golden Scissors Award from the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses is another example of Langford Council's efforts to streamline processes to reduce red tape for businesses and utilize staff time more efficiently. It's rewarding to be acknowledged on a national level for our decision to eliminate the obligation to renew business licenses every year, and staff and Council will continue to look for ways to save money and be more efficient.
In 2008 Langford held an open house to give our residents the opportunity to tell us what they wanted to see in terms of recreation and improvements to our community. Council and City staff worked hard to bring about the changes our residents requested, many of them completed at City Centre Park.
They include building Langford Lanes, Westhills Arena, two new all-weather turf stadiums, a Splash Park and Play Zone for kids, more cycling lanes, and upgrades to our lakes and parks. And work has started on a multi-use aquatic centre in a partnership with the YMCA/YWCA and Westhills.
On Saturday, March, 29, we're hosting another open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Eagle Ridge Community Centre to once again hear what Langford residents want to see.I hope Langford residents will come out and tell us what they would like to see so together, we can build the best community for people of all ages.